On June, 8th 1991 the Truffle Association of the city of Turin was founded in the Province Administration room and it was called “Trifule & Trifulè” (truffles and truffle hunters).

The reason of this association is summarized in article 2 of its charter, where association vocation is comprehensively explained. However, highlighting what the association is not involved in is more significant…
It is not a trade union for truffle hunters, although it takes care of their interests; it is not a group of environmentalists, although it is aware of the environment and territory; it is not a gastronomic guild, although it attracts consumers, where culture and market ultimately end; it is not even an intellectual elite.

In brief, it is everything about truffles of whatever source.

The name comes from an instinctive remark on mycorrhiza symbiosis: in the same way truffle and truffle hunters are in mutuality.
The founders represented eight municipalities of Turin Province at that time.
There is only one association in the former Turin province and its goal consists in safeguarding, protecting and promoting, in a wider meaning, truffles and any involved resources: funds, environment, knowledge, technique, hunters, market and related operators, consumers, scientific culture and tradition.

The association works at first in the area of the City of Turin but without any territory boundary. In fact, since 2016 the President has represented Piedmont’s truffle hunters towards the council for the promotion of regional truffle heritage.

Our offices are in Rivalba, a little town where 1.193 inhabitants live.

In the magnificent background of Turin’s hills the second weekend in November is dedicated to the typical product of this area and has been for more than twenty years: Tuber Magnatum Pico, namely the Refined White Truffle. On occasion, the mayor of Rivalba reminded us that “The Truffle is undoubtedly a distinguishing brand of excellence. It’s the most prestigious product, the “ambassador” of Piedmont in the world”. Since 2012 Turin’s hills White Truffle Fair, has highlighted the significant role of “Refined White Truffle” as leading product in the local food and wine field, and is certified as a “National Exhibition”!

The association offers the following services to its members:

– Application for the examination to obtain the mandatory card for truffle hunting
– Course for examination, practical and oral.
– Ten-year renewal card, even in case of loss etc
– Safeguard of hunters by the regional council and institutions, updates about new laws, regulations etc.
– Available productive truffle lands belonging to Association property or on gratuitous loan or rented. These lands are continuously under maintenance such as mowing, pruning, plowing and planting.
– Every year suitable trees are planted to guarantee future truffles to new hunters.
– Truffle market-exhibition every year on the second Sunday of November in Rivalba.
– Simulated hunting with your dogs and hunting competitions.
Member rights:
– In addition to regulations contained in the general charter, each member shall deposit an annual fee equal to 40,00 Euro for the card
– Training course is free but before attendance, a fee equal to 40 Euro shall be paid, although the examination takes place in September/October or end of the year.
– Only members “Liberi Cercatori” (Free Hunters) can be enrolled, namely hunters not belonging to unions, reserves or owning private productive, fenced lands or properties far from their house.
– Members shall respect truffle lands, by not throwing wastes, not spoiling trees and land, closing digged holes.
– Turns in the truffle land shall be observed in order not to distract dogs.
– Cars shall be parked on the roadside or in specific parking, never on grasslands or cultivated fields.
– Members shall take part in meetings over the year in order to be updated about possible amendments, decisions or exhibitions, above all to the annual general assembly.



Luca BANNO’                      President

Sergio MAGRI                     Vice-President

Mauro GIOVINE                 Secretary

Sergio VITTONE                 Treasurer


Giovanni REVELLO


Stefano AIASSA

Sergio SIANO


Claudio POZZO



Massimo SERRA


Giancarlo SAVIO


Carlo BAIOTTI                   Chieri-Pecetto-Andezeno

Luca BANNO’                     Sciolze

Giuseppe BIANCO              Cavagnolo

Luigi BERRUTO                 Mombello-Moriondo-Arignano

Bruno FAVARO                   Casalborgone

P.luigi GHIVARELLO        Rivalba-Gassino

Mauro GIOVINE                 Castiglione-S.Mauro-Rivodora-Baldissero-Pavarolo

Sergio MAGRI                     Monteu da Po

Claudio POZZO                   Riva Presso Chieri

Sergio SIANO                      Pino Torinese

Marco CALVO                     Brozolo

G.carlo ROSSOTTO           Cinzano


For further information you can get in contact with the association president Mr Luca Bannò

Tel. 348.8699649


or you can join us every first Monday of the month to the Società di mutuo soccorso (Mutual Help society) in Rivalba at 9 pm

E-mail: trifoleandtrifole@yahoo.it

“Fin da bambino seguivo mio nonno che oltre ad essere cacciatore, era trifulè come si dice in torinese, tartufaio. Lo vedevo uscire di casa al mattino presto, quando era ancora buio, per recarsi, segretamente, con i suoi cani fidati nelle valli circostanti alla ricerca del prezioso Tuber Magnatum Pico (tartufo bianco pregiato). La passione di mio nonno era, oltre la ricerca, l’addestramento dei cani da tartufo, passione che mi ha trasmesso dopo avermi insegnato passo per passo”


I Sapori della Collina di Torino di Luca Bannò

E-mail: info@isaporidellacollinaditorino.com

Telefono: 348.8699649